make money online

OK, you’re on Facebook. Your business profile is complete, and your page looks nice… You are keeping a balance with self-promotion and sharing amazing social media content for your eCommerce marketing campaigns. You have an audience. Decent sized one. You even put in the effort to engage with them. Things seem to be going well. But could your … Read more

understanding paid social media impact

Using social media originally seemed like a gift from God for cash-strapped marketers. Here was a way to generate leads and reach new customers, all by posting content free of charge on platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Simply having a profile was an easy way to make a social media impact in your industry. Yet … Read more

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What if I told you that you could reach your target audience with surgical precision and eliminate wasteful spending? Following social media trends, costs continue to be on the rise. In fact, so much of the fundamental success we have, as an eCommerce agency, is due to our ability to target exactly who we want … Read more

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