SEO Best Practices: The 11 SEO Services You Need Audited


SEO Best Practices: Keyword Research, Insights Page Speed, and Other SEO Tips

SEO Services (Search Engine Optimization) are the processes used to increase your Search Engine Rankings.

In turn, leading to you getting more traffic to website through organic search results.

The goal is to attract more of your target audience on search.

Or, in layman’s terms, have your website appear highest on a search engine’s page.

You will increase the volume of traffic, as well as draw in more customers.

SEO, in essence, aims to target particular searches in images, videos, and quality content.

Now, while it’s under the Search Engine Marketing (a.k.a. SEM) umbrella, what it ISN’T is Paid Search Engine Advertising, like Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, and the like.

Sounds boring, huh?

The more you understand about the dull stuff, the better your chances of success.

After all, SEO is not rocket science. You will need to understand the process before you can master it.

WordPress is also a very simple and SEO services friendly CMS.

It gives brands an unlimited amount of optimization potential.

But you will have to do a lot more than post a couple of blogs a day.

It’s always changing, which should change SEO services (but we know how that goes).

People aren’t always making organic searches like we did in the past.

Google has become the place to search using natural conversation such as, “How do I..?” etc.

This is why unique approaches are often necessary.

WordPress isn’t at the optimization level that it needs to be.

You will have to use your business marketing skills and push through the odds of the organic searches.

There are a lot of places that you can get traffic to your website.

A few ways are through Social Media, Online forums, Email lists, Tik Tok, or referrals from other bloggers.

Search engine optimization is the most successful way for you to build traffic.

People use Google more than most other search engine.

The most popular searches revolve around:

  • More information
  • Solving problems
  • Researching/buying products

It’s a great opportunity for you to drive traffic and customers to your site.

1. Understand SEO Keyword Research

To successfully launch your SEO services, eCommerce marketing strategy, means you’ll have to have well researched keywords.

Before writing a post on your site, it pays dividends to see what kinds of keywords you need and what words stand out.

When creating original content, it’s always best for you to include words that come to mind.

SEO Keywords also helps to consider the words that other people will be searching for.

The easiest way to conduct keyword research is by using free tools that can help you along the way. 

Once you get the hang of that, it’ll feel easier every time!

Google Keyword Planner is an insightful source.

It lets you know what words and phrases people are actually searching.

It also tells you how often per month they are being searched.

Disclaimer: these numbers are not always as accurate as Google might lead you to believe.

They are still one of the best ideas you can get to figure out how to build traffic.

To use it, you input ideas you have about what you’d like to write about.

Next, Google will show you various keywords that are being searched for.


2. Taking Keyword Research One Step Further

There is a difference between commercial intent and buyer keywords.

One will boost your traffic and the other will do that PLUS make you money.

The focal point here is that to make money through search engine traffic you want to be strategic.

Use words that people are using when they are looking to buy something.

These are not keywords used for fun or for fact finding etc.

The average way to write a title for a post: “How to Get Traffic to Your Website?

The better way to write a title for a post: “5 of The Best SEO Services to Help Maximize Your Digital Traffic

Here you are assuming that “SEO Services” is what will have the most traffic…

The better title allows you to actually sell to people who are looking for tips to help solve their problem.

In this case: SEO Services [kinda like this post 😉]

Try not to write too many posts selling things or you might lose your audiences attention.

But if you are aiming to sell on WordPress, make sure you conduct the right keyword research.

3. Produce Quality Content for Better Search Rankings

Quality Content over Quantity of Content rules over Content Marketing

Remember, Content is generally included in SEO Services, but Content Marketing is different.

However, the two compliment each other very well (and SEO ‘needs‘ content).

Creating quality is key to showing up on Google’s searches.

To gain more traffic, you must do more than write more content, write more often or write about anything.

You need to create content that actually matters to your audience.

Content that people will want to bookmark, link, and share.

Something they’ll find, profound.

Google NEEDS Quality

In the world of Search, content quality is also important because of how Google’s algorithm will measuring it.

Websites with poor quality pages and articles will naturally drive a higher bounce rate (people clicking then jumping off the page) and tend to have lower page speeds (How fast does it load? SEMrush has the answers to increasing page speed).

Your content won’t rank as high if you aren’t careful…

  • Control the length of your content.
  • Make use of linking your content.
  • Add quality multimedia to posts.

Get people to stay on your site for longer (higher avg time on site) by investigating your Google page speed insights.

Keep these factors in mind when creating content for your website.

These will all make the difference in your SEO marketing services performance.

4. Create Optimized SEO Meta Titles and Tags

In WordPress, plugins are your friends.

And the Rank Math Plugin is your best friend.

The Rank Math plugin is a tool that helps you write titles and descriptions for your blog posts.

It also focuses on a keyword by linking back to your keyword’s appearance.

That includes how it appears in the page title, article heading, URL, description, etcetera.

Rank Math has frequent updates based on the latest professional SEO services standards.

Keeping up with Google’s wacky updates as well.

In order for Rank Math to work, you will need to work through each optimization section, for every blog you write.

5. Install a WordPress Caching Plugin

Caching plugins gathers everything on a webpage and puts them in a temporary storage section of your hard drive (or cache).

– We use Autoptimize. In fact, right now I just cleared the site cache with one click (and without leaving the page).

This simple plugin installation can enable your site to load much quicker.

Each time your reader visits they will appreciate how easy your site is to navigate.

Ask other SEO services companies what they use (might make you laugh).

6. Use ‘Rich Snippets’

Rich snippets helps Google’s results, including your Google reviews, make more sense to users.

We’ve all seen rich snippets before.

They appear as a short, meaningful paragraph describing an article.

They’re usually in the SERPs (search engine results page).

These extra features boost your SEO rankings and allows your content to appear more interesting and clickable than the other results.

You can install rich snippets plugins to make things simpler.

That way you can manage how it’s used for articles, videos, events etc.

Having backlinks is a very important blogger SEO tip.

Our personal philosophy is you either have to get that link juice (backlinks, lots of ’em!)…

– OR –

You gotta create AMAZING blog posts; and what I mean is Semantic or Topical SEO (what we like to do).

You can find out who is linking to your competitor then build a strategy on how you can get them to link back to your site.

This can be as simple as approaching them directly for a collaboration.

You could share a guest post or a useful article that they can link back to you.

Building this relationship benefits your WordPress site and the traffic towards it.

8. Get Rid of SPAM

When spam shows up in your comment sections of WordPress, it happens automatically.

If you aren’t careful, inappropriate websites can sneak onto your blog posts with piles of comments.

This is not something that you want search engines to notice.

Another solid plugin is Akismet.

It is a highly-ranked comment blocker and will get rid of all bad comments.

It’s also free for personal blogs.

Akismet will check all comments, pick up on spam, and report on comments with bad links.

You can also browse the comments Akismet catches and delete anything you don’t want there.

9. Utilize Social media

Sharing your posts increases traffic, builds leads and drives sales.

You don’t even need to promote yourself anymore – there are plugins to do it for you!

Gaining social shares is big for SEO and something you don’t want to neglect.

Install social sharing icons to your WordPress site with the Social Media Share Buttons Plugin.

SumoMe will also make this very easy to accomplish.

Having social sharing buttons at the end of every post makes your content easier to share.

Readers can automatically share content and encourages more external links.

10. Check Stats with GA4 – Google Analytics.

With Google Analytics, you can follow the changes in traffic and popular posts to get a one-up on competition.

You should also find ways to make your content more appealing to readers.

Fix any broken links you have.

Update information on your website when necessary.

Also, make sure you have your GA4 conversions set up properly – especially when it comes to events.

11. Go Above & Beyond SEO

While there are plenty of other SEO best practices to consider.

With so much information out there on SEO, it’s great to have the best tips highlighted.

As previously mentioned, SEO is changing.

The use of search engines is changing.

And the way keywords are being used is changing as well.

Hell, even AI is changing the way we think about different content ideas!

Keywords are still one of the most important things for your WordPress site.

But you should also remain focused on the research perspective of your content.

Drive readers to NEED your content.

Focus on the topics you want and how you can optimize the user experience than keywords.

This will help you plan your content and make things like lead generation much easier.

In the end, whatever you decide to do with on page SEO, you have to make sure that the user experience is your main focus.

And the rest, as they sayis history!

Sam Sprague

Sam is the Founder & CEO of Sprague Media. He has over 14 years of experience in the Digital & Social Media Marketing world, on the agency and client-side. A Marine Veteran and Father, Sam is an avid Football and Basketball connoisseur who likes nothing better than to spend quarantine watching games!

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