Are you missing out on 238 million potential new clients?
If you haven’t thought about Snapchat ads before now, maybe it’s time to look at the sharing platform that still stands strong amongst the social media giants.
The chances of turning all of those millions of users into clients are obviously quite slim.
But why overlook the possibility of reaching even a small percentage?
Let’s take a look at Snapchat and their demographic, and how you can start using Snapchat advertising to your advantage.
What Is Snapchat?
Snapchat was designed to send photos and videos between smartphones.
The difference with this app is that these images and clips are only available for a limited time.
Once viewed, they are automatically deleted from your device.
Where it once focussed on one-on-one interactions, Snapchat can now be used to reach more people through live chatting and stories.
How Snapchat Changed the Game
Before Snapchat, social media was largely a desktop experience.
Social media was designed to store data, from Tweets to Facebook statuses.
Snapchat introduced instant communication with a variety of fun filters that were specifically designed not to last.
The introduction of filters is how they really set themselves apart from Facebook and Instagram.
Who Uses Snapchat?
According to research, more than 3 of 4 U.S. adults aged 18-24 use Snapchat.
Of these users, some 3 billion Snaps are sent per day, with users checking in multiple times a day.
The need for visual connections is pushing the younger generations away from Facebook and toward apps like Snapchat and TikTok.
When trying to reach a younger audience, looking to social media and especially apps like Snapchat could be a key aspect in creating brand awareness and lead generation.
Are Snapchat Ads Right for Your Company?
The most important thing when looking into advertising is to pinpoint your audience.
By establishing a clear demographic, you can better tailor your ad formats to reach more potential clients.
Given that the vast majority of Snapchat users are 18-24, this is not the ideal option when looking at targeting Millennials and Boomers.
Furthermore, well over half of the users on Snapchat are female.
When looking to create an ad, these are important statistics to keep in mind.
Snapchat does provide Insights to give you a clear picture of who exactly is engaging with your ads.
What Do Snapchat Ads Look Like?
Staying relevant and up to date with content marketing trends is especially important when using Snapchat.
Their full screen, 3-10 second ad format might seem like too little time to properly engage with your audience, but when done right, you should see some impressive results.
Story Ads
Advertisers can place a branded ’tile’ on the Discovery page that when tapped, will open to your ad.
- The Web View will play your video content with a ‘swipe-up’ option that will lead the user to your website.
- The App Install option provides your content along with the call to action for the user to install your app. This will take them straight into the app store to your brand without them having to search.
- Long-Form Videos are snippets of longer pieces, often movie trailers. They are also effective when promoting YouTube content.
Filters are what set Snapchat apart in the first place.
Though companies like Instagram and TikTok have jumped on the bandwagon, Snapchat was the first to bring them to the public at large.

It makes sense to utilize their strongest asset when looking to create an ad campaign.
Designing your own custom filter can help with creating brand awareness and promoting your company as fun and relatable.
Though they should not contain a great deal of information, they can be a silly and light-hearted way to get your name in front of potential clients.
Augmented Reality Lenses
Lenses are used to make interactions more active. Used more for bigger companies, they are a great way to engage and create brand awareness.
Collection Ads
This new feature offers advertisers the chance to showcase more products at once.
Using the basic premise of the full-screen video ad, this option allows for tiles at the bottom of the screen.
These tiles can be tapped and will take the user to another product in your brand.
How To Get The Most Out Of Your Snapchat Advertising
Understanding the reach of Snapchat ads is only half of the battle.
Following trends and creating relevant content is just as important.
In order to see results from Snapchat advertising, you will have to do research and look at reaching your audience in a different way.
Interact with users, check out what is trending, and create the kind of content that fits this specific platform.
Consistency is another key aspect of using Snapchat.
Given the short life-span of 3-10 second ads, creating content for Snapchat needs to be consistent and high quality.
Audience targeting allows you to ensure your ad will only play to potential clients.
Snapchat offers lots of information when it comes to targeting, helping you to really narrow down your reach.
Similarly, they allow for location services and the chance to retarget users who have already engaged with your content before.
Swipe Up
Snapchat users are more than 50% more likely to make a purchase through brand engagement.
The rate of use for Snapchat is more than five times that of other social media platforms.
By adding ‘swipe-up’ options to your ads, you are making their potential purchase much easier.
Consider Music Carefully
Unlike Facebook, where users tend to view content on mute, more than half of Snapchat users watch Snaps with the sound on.
In the same way that TikTok uses music to create trends, you should be looking to use music and audio that will be relatable to your audience.
Why You Should Leap Onto Snapchat Ads
Though branching out into Snapchat ads might seem like a lot of work, the potential reach is well worth it.
Experiment with filters and full-screen ads, and use the Insights made available by Snapchat to see what is working, and what needs to be changed.
By focussing on current trends and interacting with users in a way that is more relatable to them, you can fully establish yourself within your target demographic.

If you think you’re ready to start advertising with Snapchat, check out how we can help.