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Newsletter: Skyrocket Your eCommerce Sales With UGC!


Harness The Power Of UGC
In Your eCommerce Marketing Strategies

In this weeks DTC Newsletter, we’re taking a look at the world of User-Generated Content (UGC).

And how it can be harnessed more effectively to drive conversions and foster customer loyalty for your brand.

UGC, which includes anything from product reviews and ratings to customer photos and videos, is not just a marketing buzzword.

It’s a potent strategy that’s driving conversions and fostering customer loyalty across the eCommerce landscape.

UGC: Beyond the Basics

We all know the power of UGC – it’s authentic, it’s persuasive, and it’s a goldmine for conversions.

But how can we take our UGC strategies to the next level?

Let’s explore…

The Impact of UGC on Conversion Rates

Did you know that 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations?

Or that products with user reviews can increase conversion rates by 270%?

These statistics underscore the significant impact UGC can have on your eCommerce business.

When customers see real reviews from real people, it instills a sense of trust and authenticity.

This trust can be the deciding factor between abandoning the cart and clicking the ‘buy now‘ button.

UGC and Customer Loyalty

But the power of UGC extends beyond just conversions.

It’s also a key player in building customer loyalty.

A study found that customers who interact with UGC are 97% more likely to convert with a brand than customers who do not.


Because UGC creates a community around your brand.

When customers share their experiences, it fosters a sense of belonging and engagement that can keep them coming back for more.

How to Source High-Quality UGC

Now, let’s talk about sourcing UGC. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Identify potential content creators: Look for customers who are already engaging with your brand on social media. They’re your best bet for high-quality UGC.
  • Reach out to them: Send them a personalized message expressing your appreciation for their engagement and inviting them to create content for your brand.

Here’s a template you can use:

Hi [Name],

We've noticed your engagement with our brand and we love your [mention something specific you like about their content or style]. 

We're always looking for authentic voices to represent our brand and we think you'd be a great fit. Would you be interested in creating content for us? 

In return, we'd be happy to offer you [mention the incentive]. 

Let us know what you think!


[Your Name]

Remember, the key to successful UGC is authenticity.

So, always encourage content that reflects the creator’s genuine experience with your product.

Best Practices: UGC Strategies 101

Here are more basic rules, or best practices, for building your community around UGC:

  • Encourage Reviews: Make it easy for customers to leave reviews on your website. Consider offering incentives like discounts or loyalty points for reviews.
  • Share User-Generated Photos and Videos: If a customer shares a photo or video of your product on social media, ask for their permission to share it on your platforms. This not only provides you with authentic marketing material but also makes your customers feel valued and seen.
  • Engage with UGC: Don’t just collect UGC – engage with it. Respond to reviews, comment on user-generated posts, and show your customers that you appreciate their contributions.

UGC Pitfalls to Avoid

UGC is a game-changer, but like any strategy, it has its challenges. Here are some pitfalls to avoid:

  • Not engaging with UGC: Don’t just collect UGC – interact with it. Respond to reviews, comment on user-generated posts, and show your customers that you appreciate their contributions.
  • Ignoring the quality of UGC: Not all UGC is created equal. Ensure the content aligns with your brand’s values and guidelines.

Final Thoughts

Remember, the most successful eCommerce brands aren’t afraid to experiment, engage, and elevate their customers’ voices.

And with UGC, you’re not just making marketing decisions based on a hunch—you’re making data-driven decisions.

That’s marketing gold.

So, are you ready to unleash the power of UGC?

Your UGC-loving friend,

Sam Sprague

Sam Sprague

Sam is the Founder & CEO of Sprague Media. He has over 14 years of experience in the Digital & Social Media Marketing world, on the agency and client-side. A Marine Veteran and Father, Sam is an avid Football and Basketball connoisseur who likes nothing better than to spend quarantine watching games!

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